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Shipping Policy

The estimated time of arrival (ETA) depends on multiple factors, including the destination address, the shipping method you’ve chosen, and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment. The ETA should be processing time plus shipping time.


We do our very best to get your order shipped to you as quickly as possible. Items that are in-stock in our warehouse are usually shipped within 72 hours. Items shipped from the manufacturer generally take longer depending on the manufacturer and their policies. In all cases you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a tracking number as soon as your order ships.

Times for delivery listed below are provided as a guideline only. Actual delivery times may vary based on location. The guideline takes into consideration the processing of your order, verification, packaging, preparation and pick up. We do our best to get your order to you as fast as possible but can not guarantee delivery times.

Some items within the same order may ship in separate packages and therefore may show a different status and / or shipping method. From the time you receive your shipping confirmation email, please allow 24-72 hours for your order status information to be available on the tracking website.



The time frame of an order delivery is divided into two parts:
Processing time: within 3 days

Shipping Time

Standard Shipping

15-20 natural days (Average)

Priority Shipping

12-20 natural days (Average)


We will make every effort to deliver your package ASAP. However, additional time may be required due to invalid addresses and custom clearance issues.

*Other countries please allow 2-4 weeks for shipping time. 

We are not responsible for late delivery due to inclement weather, holidays, natural disasters, incomplete or wrong address, emergencies, or carrier delays. Please keep in mind that holidays do not count as a business day and should be considered when calculating shipping times.

Sometimes unexpected delay such as out of stock issue may happen, especially during high-demand periods.

In case of any unexpected delays, please always feel free to contact our customer service.